Hit Tip

Larry Bonifas “ Love is the ticket to ride“

today18. Dezember 2023 274

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An Zesummenaarbecht mam Tony Adams-Rosa, engem iresche Songwriter deen an Portugal lieft (schreiwt momentan fir d’Bonnie Tyler), hunn hien haut en neit Lidd op alle Streaming-Plattformen erausbruecht, nämlech “Love is the ticket to ride”.

De Kontakt mam Tony Adams-Rosa koum duerch den Selektiounsprozess fir den ESC 2024 zustanen. Den Tony huet him momentan schon eng ganz Partie Lidder geschriwwen an dat eent oder anert ass och schons fäerdeg opgeholl an ofgemëscht a wäerten och an der nächster Zäit erauskommen.

Larry Bonifas  Biographie

Larry Bonifas started playing music when he was very young. His very first instrument was the piano. In 1989, his parents bought
him a wonderful acoustic guitar, a Lakewood D-18, an instrument
that he still owns and plays today.
At the age of 21, he started as singer/guitarist with the band
Sleepwalk. They were the local opener for Michael Jackson in
Bettembourg/Luxembourg on June 22, 1997.

After his time with Sleepwalk, he was singer/guitarist in the Top40-
Coverband Awacs. They played around 50 gigs every year until
they stopped playing in 2003. After 2003, he played a few cruises
with a whole bunch of musicians under the name of Neptun’s House
In 2007, Larry started an 2 musician acoustic project called Mental
Masturbation, renamed Mental after some time. Throughout the
years, the project got bigger and bigger and it became a “real”
band with 6 musicians. They played cover versions of all the great
classics of the history of rock and pop music. In December 2014,
his time with Mental was over.
In summer of 2011, he joined the band
Backyard as a guest singer for their new EP, Blue Coloured Night and the small tour connected
to that EP.

In March 2020, when the Corona-crisis started in Luxembourg,
Larry decided to do a Facebook livestream each day. He started
this livestream on March 21, 2020. It was planned to play 1 to 2
songs each day until Easter Sunday (April 12, 2020), but he kept
on playing until May 3, 2020. In the end, he played for 44 days in a

Larry Bonifas
row and performed a total of 123 songs.
In 2020, Larry recorded a corona-influenced song with Luc
Rodenmacher during lockdown, called “Bleif doheem“.
Together with long-time friends from Scaramouche, a well-known
german band and almost 70 other musicians from 10 countries
throughout the world, he recorded that same year 2020 a
collaborative hymn called “Side by side”.
May 2021 was marked by the release of “A Gedanken“, a song co-
written and produced by Michel Volkmann and Jean-Luc Desorbay.
Throughout all the years, he has been playing wedding ceremonies.
Almost 200 people were married while he was playing the music
during their ceremony.

His bands so far:

: Sleepwalk
and 2003: Awacs
: Neptun’s House Band
: Mental
: Backyard
since 2020
: Larry Unplugged

Geschrieben von: Antoine Orazi

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